
Life verse

Therefore I, a prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called. With all humility and patience, with gentleness, showing tolerance for one another in love. Ephesians 4:1-2

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Things that no one tells you before you have kids...part one

Disclaimer: This post is not for the faint of heart. It deals with the ugly mess of potty training.

I believe that when the doctor handed me my first born, he should have warned me about potty training. That dear, sweet, darling child peed in his diaper (most of the time) and pooped there too. Well, I expected potty training to go basically the same way. You know, pee goes in the toilet as does poop.
Not so.
Well, where does it go? Just let me tell you. Pee: goes on every possible surface in my bathroom (and somehow in the hallway outside of the bathroom door), but very rarely makes it into the toilet. I will take any advice BUT the Cheerio advice. Tried it, doesn't work.
Poop? Only those mothers who have scrubbed the poop out of cherished Mickey Mouse underwear can understand. There are no words to describe the utter disgust that that involves.
So here we are, warning or not, in the middle of this journey called potty training. We made it through another day with only one accident. And guess what? I have ANOTHER BOY to potty train when this one is finished.
P.S. Thank you mom. I am just beginning to understand all that you did for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hey April. We were potty training James all the way back when we all lived at Williams. What worked best was a reward chart. We just made a graph with like 20 squares on it. Every time he made it to the potty without wet/dirty undies, he got to put a sticker on it. When he filled the squares, he got a toy/treat/whatever. Because he was so young, we found it worked best to go ahead and get the reward. James was and still is really into action figures. So we took him to the store and let him pick out an action figure. When we got home, we hung it up (still in the box) right next to the chart so he could see it everytime he went potty. It worked out really well. We did one chart for pee pee and then it took a second chart for #2. Also, if you don't mind the mess, we had him clean up his own dirty underwear. I know that's gross, but it taught him what would happen if he didn't use the potty.
